Article Information:
Effects of Bamboo Leaf Ash on Lime Stabilized Lateritic Soil for Highway Construction
O.O. Amu and S.S. Babajide
Corresponding Author: Olugbenga Oludolapo Amu
Submitted: 2011 February, 08
Accepted: 2011 March, 08
Published: 2011 April, 20 |
This research determined the effects of bamboo leaf ash on lime stabilized lateritic soil for highway
construction. It was necessary to utilize the properties of waste materials such as bamboo leaf in order to
determine its usefulness as a possible complement stabilizer for lime and hence reduce highway construction
cost. The three samples A, B and C used in this study were collected from different locations in Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
Preliminary tests such as the natural moisture content, specific gravity, grain size analysis and Atterberg’s limits
were performed on them at their natural states and when stabilized with optimum percentages of lime.
Engineering tests such as compaction, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and undrained traixial were also
performed on them at their natural states, when stabilized with the optimum lime percentages and when
Bamboo Leaf Ash (BLA) was introduced at 2, 4 and 6% to the samples. The results of the strength tests showed
that BLA improved the strengths of all the lime stabilized samples. The unsoaked CBR values increased from
4-11, 2-10 and 2-11%, respectively in lime stabilized samples A, B and C with the addition of BLA. The shear
strengths also increased substantially, from 42.16 to 398.96 kN/m2, 42.96 to 146.84 kN/m2 and 197.48 to 365.90
kN/m2, respectively with the addition of BLA to the lime stabilized samples. It was therefore concluded that
BLA will further increase the strength of lime stabilized lateritic soil for highway construction since it was
found as an effective complement for lime in soil stabilization.
Key words: Bamboo leaf ash treatment, complement stabilizer, construction method, highway materials, lime stabilization, material strength, road upgrade
Cite this Reference:
O.O. Amu and S.S. Babajide, . Effects of Bamboo Leaf Ash on Lime Stabilized Lateritic Soil for Highway Construction. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (04): 278-283.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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