Article Information:
Morphological Characterization of Cus Thin Films by Atomic Force Microscopy
Anuar Kassim, Ho Soon Min, Tan Wee Tee, Lim Kian Siang and Saravanan Nagalingam
Corresponding Author: Anuar Kassim
Submitted: 2011 March, 09
Accepted: 2011 April, 16
Published: 2011 June, 25 |
The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of solution concentration on the morphological
properties of chemically deposited copper sulphide thin films. Atomic force microscopy studies of CuS thin
films grown on microscope glass slides at different solution concentrations have been carried out from 0.05 to
0.2 M of copper sulfate, thiourea and tartaric acid solutions. Atomic force microscopy images revealed that the
films deposited using 0.05 M of solution concentration had incomplete coverage of material over the surface
of substrate. The thin films deposited using 0.1 M showed higher number of CuS with homogeneous surface.
On the other hand, when the thin films were deposited with 0.2 M of solution concentration, the number of
grains reduced with the bigger grain size could be observed.
Key words: Atomic force microscopy, chemical bath deposition, copper sulphide, thin films, , ,
Cite this Reference:
Anuar Kassim, Ho Soon Min, Tan Wee Tee, Lim Kian Siang and Saravanan Nagalingam, . Morphological Characterization of Cus Thin Films by Atomic Force Microscopy. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (06): 513-518.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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