Article Information:
Optimal Parameter Selection of Gas-Fired Units for Distributed Cogeneration in an Industrial Town Based on an Industrial Service Company Perspective
Meisam Ansari, Mohammad Sadegh Payam, Mostafa Abdollahi and Asadollah Salami Dehkordi
Corresponding Author: Mohammad Sadegh Payam
Submitted: October 31, 2011
Accepted: November 18, 2011
Published: May 01, 2012 |
Industrial service companies incentivize the investors to install distributed generation, to improve
network environmental performance and efficiency. This paper proposes an approximated dynamic approach
for optimal parameter selection of gas-fired units to supply electrical and thermal loads in an industrial town
considering industrial service company perspective. A cost-benefit analysis with considering gas units, heat
recovery system and distribution network constrains is performed for Optimal sizing, placement and timing for
CHP installation. The main objective of the model is to minimize the company’s operating costs in five years.
Two aspects are considered in problem formulation: priority of the heat generation or electricity generation.
Also, a multi objective genetic algorithm is used to solve the problem. Moreover, the PIKO feeder, one of the
MANAVI substation feeders in TEHRAN, is employed as the study system. The simulation results show a
significant decrease in the industrial service company operating costs, especially loss costs in five years.
Key words: Distributed cogeneration, distributed network reinforcement, genetic algorithm, , , ,
Cite this Reference:
Meisam Ansari, Mohammad Sadegh Payam, Mostafa Abdollahi and Asadollah Salami Dehkordi, . Optimal Parameter Selection of Gas-Fired Units for Distributed Cogeneration in an Industrial Town Based on an Industrial Service Company Perspective. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (09): 1062-1066.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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