Article Information:
Effective Stress-Porosity Relationship above and Within the Oil Window in the North Sea Basin
K.S. Okiongbo
Corresponding Author: Kenneth S. Okiongbo
Submitted: 2010 September, 03
Accepted: 2010 November, 27
Published: 2011 January, 20 |
This study investigates the effective stress - porosity relationship above and within the oil window
in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (KCF) in the North Sea Basin (UK) using effective stress and porosity
determined from wireline logs and pore pressure data. Porosity was determined from an empirical porosity -
sonic transit - time transform, calibrated using shale and mudstone core porosity measurements from Jurassic
shales in the North Sea. Effective stress was determined from the total overburden stress and pore pressure. The
total overburden stress was calculated by integration of the density log. The results show that porosity range
between ~11-20% in the pre-generation zone but decreased to <5% within the oil window. Compaction
coefficient ($) values above the oil window vary from ~0.08-0.09 M/Pa, but vary from ~0.05-0.06 M/Pa within
the oil window implying that deeper burial and a high degree of chemical precipitation and cementation has
created a stiff matrix giving rise to low $ values. The effective stress-porosity relationship above and within
the oil window reflects a possible decrease in effective stress occasioned by increase in porosity in the pregeneration
Key words: Compaction coefficient, effective stress, mudstone, North Sea, pore pressure, porosity,
Cite this Reference:
K.S. Okiongbo, . Effective Stress-Porosity Relationship above and Within the Oil Window in the North Sea Basin. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (01): 32-38.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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