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     British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology

2011(Vol.2, Issue:3)
Article Information:

Simultaneous Treatment of Cancer Cells Lines with the Anticancer Drug Cisplatin and the Antioxidant Fucoxanthin

Takeshi Mise and Takeshi Yasumoto
Corresponding Author:  Takeshi Mise 
Submitted: 2011 April, 10
Accepted: 2011 May, 13
Published: 2011 August, 05
The anti-oxidative properties and the other health benefits of fucoxanthin (Fx) make it a good candidate for a health food supplement. However, the use of antioxidant supplements in patients undergoing chemotherapy has been widely debated because of concerns that the antioxidants may interfere with the mechanisms of the anticancer drugs. To investigate this concern, we studied the effect of Fx on the anticancer drug cisplatin. Fucoxanthinol (Fxol), which is a deacetylated product produced during intestinal absorption, and other antioxidants (fucoxanthin acetate, astaxanthin, and "-tocopherol) were also included in the experiments. Both Fx and Fxol suppressed the proliferation of cultured cancer cells (Caco-2, Hep G2, and Neuro2a) in a dose-dependent manner, whereas the other antioxidants showed no evident effect on their growth. Moreover, when added to a medium containing cisplatin, none of the studied antioxidants mitigated the inhibitory growth effects of cisplatin. Our results suggested that intake of Fx may help to prevent cancer and that it may not interfere with the mechanisms of anticancer drugs during chemotherapy. However, further studies, using animal models in particular, are required to elucidate these interactions.

Key words:  Anticancer agent, carotenoid, fucoxanthinol, , , ,
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Cite this Reference:
Takeshi Mise and Takeshi Yasumoto, . Simultaneous Treatment of Cancer Cells Lines with the Anticancer Drug Cisplatin and the Antioxidant Fucoxanthin. British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, (3): 127-131.
ISSN (Online):  2044-2467
ISSN (Print):   2044-2459
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