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     British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology

2011(Vol.2, Issue:6)
Article Information:

Response of Wistar Rats to Low Levels of Dietary Sudanese Trichodesma africanum L

Shama I. Younis and S.E.I. Adam
Corresponding Author:  Shama I. Younis 
Submitted: 2011 October, 07
Accepted: 2011 November, 02
Published: 2011 December, 20
Trichodesma africanum is not recognized in Sudanese folk medicine and villagers of Northern Kordofan State have observed casualties among grazing livestock as a result of consuming the plant when other pasture plants are scarce. The present study was conducted to investigate the effects on Wistar rats of various levels of dietary T. africanum aerial parts through clinical, biochemical, hematological and pathological parameters. T. africanum aerial parts were fed to rats at 2, 5, 10 and 20% of the standard diet for 12 weeks. Incorporation of T. africanum aerial parts in diet at 20% was lethal to Wistar rats 6-7 weeks after treatment and caused severe hepatonephrotoxicity and depression in growth and soft feces prior to death. These findings were accompanied by macrocytic normochromic type, leukocytosis due to lymphocytosis and alterations in hematology, serum enzyme activities and concentrations of total protein, albumin, cholesterol and urea and other serum constituents. The results of the present study indicated that T. africanum aerial parts were toxic to rats when fed at 2, 5 and 10% of the diet for 12 weeks and lethal to rats when fed at 20% of the diet for 6-7 weeks of treatment. Our conclusion from this study is that T. africanum is toxic to livestock and can result in dysfunction of various organs, alteration in serbiochemical and hematological parameters, in addition to that; it may cause death if consumed in elevated doses.

Key words:  Enterohepatonephro toxicity, hematology, pathology, serum biochemistry, Trichodesma africanum, ,
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Cite this Reference:
Shama I. Younis and S.E.I. Adam, . Response of Wistar Rats to Low Levels of Dietary Sudanese Trichodesma africanum L. British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, (6): 318-323.
ISSN (Online):  2044-2467
ISSN (Print):   2044-2459
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