Article Information:
Design and Development of An Industrial Fruit and Vegetable Dryer
J.C. Ehiem, S.V. Irtwange and S.E. Obetta
Corresponding Author: Simon V. Irtwange
Submitted: 2009 June, 08
Accepted: 2009 July, 15
Published: |
An industrial fruit and vegetable dryer was designed and developed to reduce vegetable wastage and
improve their storage conditions. It consists of three units: drying chamber, blower and heat exchanger. The
performance test and evaluation was conducted using split plot in Randomized Complete Block Design
(RCBD) with a total number of 756 observations (3 sizes x 3 air flow rates x 14 hours drying time x 6
replications) using tomato as the test material at an average drying chamber temperature of 50 ÂșC for safe drying
of tomatoes. The size (small, medium and large), air flow rate (18.3 m/s,18.8 m/s and 19.5 m/s) and drying time
(0-14 hours) has highly significant (P<0.01) effect on gram weight of the tomato slices being dried. For all the
tomato sizes and at all air flow rate levels, gram weight of the tomato decreased with increase in drying time.
Also for all the sizes at all drying time levels, gram weight decreased with increase in air flow rate. The dryer
which has a mean drying capacity of 258.64 kg of tomatoes per batch with a thermal efficiency of 84 % and
drying rate of 40 g/hr, at relative humidity of 35% improved the drying time of vegetables and is recommended
to industrial users.
Key words: Design, development, dryer, fruit, industrial, vegetable,
Cite this Reference:
J.C. Ehiem, S.V. Irtwange and S.E. Obetta, . Design and Development of An Industrial Fruit and Vegetable Dryer. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (2): Page No: 44-53.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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