Article Information:
Evaluation of Plough Disc Performance on Sandy Loan Soil at Different Soil Moisture Levels
O.M. Olatunji
Corresponding Author: Olatunji, Ololade Moses
Submitted: 2010 December, 28
Accepted: 2011 February, 02
Published: 2011 March, 30 |
In this research study, dimensional analysis was used to model the relationship between depth of cut,
weight of disc plough and draught on a sandy loam soil. Field experiment was carried out on a site with three
different moisture content levels at five different plough speeds (0.83, 1.39, 1.94, 2.4 and 2.78 m/s). It was
observed that the depth of penetration of plough disc increased with an increased draught and soil moisture
content. The depth of cut was minimum at 4.9% and maximum at 9.4% moisture content. The result obtained
from the validation shows that the model can be used effectively to determine the depth of cut in sandy loam
soil at different soil moisture levels. Also the draught-speed relationship obtained from this study can be used
to predict the power requirement of the disc plough in other soil types. The draught increase linearly with the
depth of cut as predicted from the model. The result of the soil properties after tillage operation showed
increased shear strength, bulk density and depth of cut.
Key words: Bulk density, depth of cut, disc plough, moisture content, sandly-loam, shear strength,
Cite this Reference:
O.M. Olatunji, . Evaluation of Plough Disc Performance on Sandy Loan Soil at Different Soil Moisture Levels. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (03): 179-184.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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