Article Information:
Securing Messages in Wireless Channel by Using New Method of Compression
Ahmed Chalak Shakir, Gu Xuemai and Jia Min
Corresponding Author: Ahmed Chalak Shakir
Submitted: 2011 May, 07
Accepted: 2011 June, 10
Published: 2011 July, 25 |
This study attempts to secure the message by using the new method of compression in which the
form of the message is completely changed and it is protected against the passive attack so that the sender and
receiver of the information are only the hosts who can understand the encoding scheme. In unsecured channels
like wireless, the messages are vulnerable to be read by the unauthorized third parity person, for that reason
they must be protected. The method can be used for any language but the concentration of the paper is on the
security of Chinese message, so that it using Unicode and needs so many bits to be represented in the computer.
The Compression is not only useful because it helps for reducing the consumption of expensive resources, such
as hard disk space or transmission bandwidth, especially the message that will be send is always saved as the
Rich Text file format that has so many overheads and increases the size of original message, but it also used
for encoding the message which is exploited for the security.
Key words: Email protocols, lossless compression, rich text file format, Unicode, , ,
Cite this Reference:
Ahmed Chalak Shakir, Gu Xuemai and Jia Min, . Securing Messages in Wireless Channel by Using New Method of Compression. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (07): 625-632.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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