Article Information:
Prioritizing Project Performance Criteria within Client Perspective
Arazi Idrus, Mahmoud Sodangi and Mohamad Haq Husin
Corresponding Author: Mahmoud Sodangi
Accepted: 2011 August, 02
Published: 2011 October, 20 |
Successful performance in a construction project helps to deliver good products to the client. At
present, there is no standard approach used by clients to evaluate project performance as project success carries
different definitions to different people. Some used the traditional project performance measures of cost, quality
and time while others used additional non-traditional measures such as the environment, health and safety, level
of technology and contractor planning. The purpose of this study is to identify and rank the actual criteria used
by local clients in current practice to measure the performance of a construction project during construction as
well as upon completion. The ranking is based on the relative importance of the criteria as perceived by project
performance decision makers working for clients’ organizations within the Malaysian construction industry
using their accumulated experience and judgment. The objective of this study was investigated through a postal
questionnaire which covered a selected sample of the study. Data were analyzed using mean, variance,
frequency and severity index analyses. The results of this paper show that Quality of finished project,
Construction cost and Construction time were the three most important criteria considered crucial by the
respondents for evaluating project performance from current practice in Malaysia. The paper provides
supportive practical solution for project performance decision makers working for clients’ organizations within
the Malaysian construction industry to enhance and improve their practices in measuring their clients’ project
performance so that their clients would enjoy higher satisfaction levels from their projects. More so, the paper
would serve as a guide to contractors by helping them to understand that Quality of finished project,
Construction cost and Construction time are the criteria given high priority by clients in measuring the
performance of a construction project.
Key words: Construction, cost, project, quality, satisfaction, time,
Cite this Reference:
Arazi Idrus, Mahmoud Sodangi and Mohamad Haq Husin, . Prioritizing Project Performance Criteria within Client Perspective. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (10): 1142-1151.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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