Article Information:
Discrete Meyer Wavelet Transform Features For online Hangul Script Recognition
Jing Lu, He-Ping Liu and Chih-Yu.Hsu
Corresponding Author: Jing Lu
Submitted: December 18, 2011
Accepted: April 23, 2012
Published: October 15, 2012 |
Online hangul script recognition is important when writers input characters into computer and
communication apparatus (such as PDA, Mobile Phone). In this study, a Wavelet Transform Features-based
method for performance improvement of online handwritten hangul character recognition is proposed. The main
idea is applying the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) spectral analysis to the recognition of online hangul
script. This method is based on the fact that online scripts offer space and time information. Locations of
sample points belonging to a script give only space information and the order of occurrences of sample points
provides time information. Given an online handwritten character sample, after a series of preprocessing, we
obtain a 64×64 normalized online hangul handwritten script with the time information. The order of sample
points can be the index of sequences. One sequence is the vertical coordinate of sample points. The second
sequence is the horizontal coordinate of sample points. The third sequence is the product of the vertical
coordinate and horizontal coordinate of sample points. The fourth sequence is the ratio between the vertical
coordinate difference and horizontal coordinate difference of two sample points. The four sequences are
combined as a vector whose size is 512. The vector is convoluted with the Meyer Wavelet and its dimension
is reduced from 512 to 128 by Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) scheme. Modified Quadratic Discriminant
Functions (MQDF) is utilized as the classifier for charter recognition. The Experiment results demonstrate that
the method can improve the accuracy of character recognition.
Key words: Discrete wavelet transform, handwritten recognition, hangul character, meyer wavelet, , ,
Cite this Reference:
Jing Lu, He-Ping Liu and Chih-Yu.Hsu, . Discrete Meyer Wavelet Transform Features For online Hangul Script Recognition . Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (20): 3905-3910.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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