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     Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences

2011(Vol.3, Issue:1)
Article Information:

Determination of the Elemental Contents in Soils Around Diamond Cement Factory, Aflao

H. Ahiamadjie, O.K. Adukpo, J.B. Tandoh, O. Gyampo, M. Nyarku, I.I. Mumuni, O. Agyemang, M. Ackah, F. Otoo and S.B. Dampare
Corresponding Author:  Hyacinthe Ahiamadjie 
Submitted: 2010 September, 24
Accepted: 2010 October, 20
Published: 2011 January, 05
This research is to assess the impact of the dusts particles given out by a cement factory on the physicochemical characteristics of the soil at the vicinity of the cement factory. Total concentration of five trace metals (Ca, Cu, Mn, Pb and V) was measured in soils from within and surrounding areas of the Diamond Cement Factory, Aflao. Thirty four (34) surface soils (0-20 cm) were collected during the month of November, 2009. The soil samples were air dried and sieved to appropriate sizes for analysis. The samples were subsequently pelletized and analyzed using XRF at the physics Department, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission. The results of the analysis showed the following range of concentration for the selected metals Ca (532.83-143880.3 ppm), Cu (65.46-212.65 ppm), Mn (1006.88-11099.87 ppm), Pb (0.33-1.9 ppm) and V (100.57-199.95 ppm). In addition, calculation of Enrichment Factors (Efs), Pollution Index (PIs) and Geoaccumulation Index (Igeos) was done. The calculated results of Igeo and EF of heavy metals revealed the order of are Mn>Cu>Pb>Ca>V. EF of Mn and Cu record higher percentage values indicating that there is considerable Mn and Cu pollution, which mainly originate from activities of the factory.

Key words:  Aflao, edxrf, enrichment factors, geoaccumulation index, pelletized, soil,
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Cite this Reference:
H. Ahiamadjie, O.K. Adukpo, J.B. Tandoh, O. Gyampo, M. Nyarku, I.I. Mumuni, O. Agyemang, M. Ackah, F. Otoo and S.B. Dampare, . Determination of the Elemental Contents in Soils Around Diamond Cement Factory, Aflao. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, (1): 46-50.
ISSN (Online):  2041-0492
ISSN (Print):   2041-0484
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