Article Information:
Morphometric Parameters of Parailia pellucida (Boulenger, 1901) from the Fresh Water Reaches of Lower Nun River, Niger Delta, Nigeria
J.F.N. Abowei
Corresponding Author: Abowei Jasper
Submitted: 2009 Sept., 23
Accepted: 2009 Oct., 12
Published: |
Morphometric parameters of Parailia pellucida from the fresh Water reaches of lower Nun River
in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria, was studied for a period of one year (Jan.-Dec. 2007), using five hundred
specimens. The regression equation for the length weight relationship was Log W = 0.00001+3.23logL and
correlation coefficient was 0.951 at p<0.05. The regression equation for length breadth relationship was Log
M = 1.50LogTL and correlation coefficient was 0.994 at p<0.05. The largest specimen measured 13.1 cm and
weighed 99.6 g at age 3+. Growth increment in length (6.7 cm) was highest in 1-2 years; while grow th in
weight was highest (74.1g yr-1) in 2-3 years. The Maximum length at age attained Lmax was 12.5 cm weighing
99.9 g. The length attained at infinity (L∞) was 13.2 cm. Growth exponent (b) was 3.23. Length performance
index (θ1) value was 2.73. Weight performance index value (Ø) was 1.87. Growth coefficient (K) value was
0.46. The hypothetical age at which length is zero (To) was –0.44; and the maximum age estimated was 3 years.
There was no temporal variation in the condition of the fish through out the year with condition index value
ranging from 0.91 – 1.00 and condition factor value of 0.96. Total mortality (Z) value was 1.4yr-1. Natural
Mortality (M) value was 0.55; fishing mortality (F) value was 0.87. Value for the rate of exploitation was 0.67
with corresponding percentage value of 67%. Parailia pellucida populations from the fresh water reaches of
the lower nun river was higher than the optimal value for sustainable yield, for the exploitation of the fishery;
therefore stands the risk of over exploitation if urgent measures are not taken to effectively manage the fishery.
Key words: Parailia pellucida, morphometric parameters, Nun River, Niger Delta, Nigeria, ,
Cite this Reference:
J.F.N. Abowei, . Morphometric Parameters of Parailia pellucida (Boulenger, 1901) from the Fresh Water Reaches of Lower Nun River, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology, (1): Page No: 43-50.
ISSN (Online): 2042-4876
ISSN (Print): 2042-4868 |
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