Article Information:
The Influence of Marine Pollution on Distribution and Abundance of Polychaetes
A. El-Gendy, S. Al-Farraj, S. Al-Kahtani and M. El-Hedeny
Corresponding Author: A. El-Gendy
Submitted: 2011 October, 10
Accepted: 2011 October, 31
Published: 2012 January, 20 |
Polychaetes are the most abundant taxon recorded in benthic communities of many habitats of
Alexandria, Egypt. In the study, six stations were chosen along the Mediterranean coast of Alexandria. In each
station water quality variables were measured. A total of 25 polychaete species were encountered. The most
common families were Capitellidae and Spionidae both in term of abundance and species richness. Capitella capitata, Minuspio cirrifera, Polydora capensis and Heteromastus filiformis were the most abundant and
omnipresent polychaete species in the study area, indicating their tolerance and adaptability to various degrees
of pollution. Statistical analyses of polychaete data were used to determine the level of environmental
degradation in various stations of coast. Shannon’s index (H') varied spatially from 1.43 to 2.52, Margalef
richness index (d) from 0.50 to 2.59, and evenness index (J) from 0.81 to 0.97 indicating poor polychaete
diversity. Comparing with control sites, the impacted stations (1-4) had lower species richness and diversity
indicating poor environment that is confirmed with low pH and dissolved oxygen values. Moreover, they
displayed high nutrient levels due to the high organic matter input in the area. The poorest environment for
polychaetes was in the Eastern Abu Quir "station #1" (S = 5, N = 2275, H' = 1.50, d = 0.51 and J = 0.93). The
present data can form a baseline for future monitoring programmers in the area.
Key words: Abundance, Alexandria, distribution, Egypt, pollution, polychaetes,
Cite this Reference:
A. El-Gendy, S. Al-Farraj, S. Al-Kahtani and M. El-Hedeny, . The Influence of Marine Pollution on Distribution and Abundance of Polychaetes. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (1): 40-47.
ISSN (Online): 2041-0778
ISSN (Print): 2041-076X |
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