Article Information:
Intrinsic and Tomographic Evaluation of Siemens e.cam� SPECT System at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital (Ghana)
E.K. Sosu, F. Hasford, E.K. Nani, J.H. Amuasi and F. Otoo
Corresponding Author: Edem Kwabla Sosu
Accepted: 2011 September, 05
Published: 2011 October, 20 |
Intrinsic and tomographic evaluation tests on the Siemens e.cam® Signature Series Single Photon
Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) system were conducted to ensure that it meets the specification
required by the user and the capabilities claimed by the manufacturer after installation. The tests were
performed according to National Electrical Manufacturers Association protocols and various measuring
instrument and point sources containing 99 m-Tc were used. Intrinsic tests performed include intrinsic flood
uniformity, intrinsic count rate performance in air and intrinsic energy resolution. Whole body scanning,
SPECT resolution without scatter, SPECT resolution with inserts, SPECT uniformity and center of rotation
were also evaluated. The intrinsic count rate performance measured was 300kcps as against manufactures’
specification of 310 kcps, intrinsic energy resolution was 9.31% whiles manufacturers’ specification was
≤ 9.9% and center of rotation specification is that Max. X-Min. X< 1 pixel and RMS < 0.5 whiles values
measured was 0.254 and 0.10 for LEAP and 0.092 and 0.083 for LEHR collimators. The evaluation confirm
that the SPECT system met the requirements for clinical medical imagine and also the values obtained could
be used as baseline data for future quality control.
Key words: Acceptance testing, quality control, radioactivity, radio pharmaceuticals, tomography, uniformity,
Cite this Reference:
E.K. Sosu, F. Hasford, E.K. Nani, J.H. Amuasi and F. Otoo, . Intrinsic and Tomographic Evaluation of Siemens e.cam� SPECT System at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital (Ghana). Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (10): 1152-1158.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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