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     Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

2012(Vol.4, Issue:12)
Article Information:

Fracturing Fluid (Guar Polymer Gel) Degradation Study by using Oxidative and Enzyme Breaker

Aung Kyaw, Bibi Syabila Binti Nor Azahar and Saleem Qadir Tunio
Corresponding Author:  Aung Kyaw 
Submitted: October 31, 2011
Accepted: December 09, 2011
Published: June 15, 2012
Oxidative and enzyme breakers are used in this research project with the main objective to study on the degradation pattern of fracturing fluid (i.e., guar polymer gel) as a function of time, temperature and breaker concentration itself. The fracturing fluid used in hydraulic fracturing or frac pack contain a chemical breakers to reduce the viscosity of the fluid intermingled with the proppant. Chemical breakers reduce viscosity of the guar polymer by cleaving the polymer into small-molecular-weight fragments. The reduction of viscosity will facilitate the flow-back of residual polymer providing rapid recovery of polymer from proppant pack. Ineffective breakers or misapplication of breakers can result in screen-outs or flow-back of viscous fluids both of which can significantly decrease the well productivity. Breaker activity of low to medium temperature range oxidative and enzyme breaker systems was evaluated. ViCon NF an oxidative breaker (Halliburton product) and GBW 12- CD an enzyme breaker (BJ Services product) were used in this research project with the main objective to study on the degradation pattern of fracturing fluid (guar polymer gel) as a function of (time, temperature and breaker concentration itself). This study provides focuses on the way to mix the fracturing fluid, compositions of the fracturing fluid and how to conduct the crosslink and break test. Crosslink test indicate the optimum cross-linker concentration to produce good crosslink gel and the break test gave the characteristic of the gel during degradation process and also the break time. Besides relying on the laboratory experiment, information obtained from research on SPE and US Pattern papers were used to make a comparison study on oxidative and enzyme breakers properties. Degradation pattern observed from the break test showed that reduction in gel viscosity depends on time, temperature and breaker concentration. Observations from experiment also revealed that small concentration of enzyme breakers provides rapid break compared to oxidative breakers.

Key words:  Degradation, enzyme breaker, fracturing fluid, guar polymer gel, oxidative, ,
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Cite this Reference:
Aung Kyaw, Bibi Syabila Binti Nor Azahar and Saleem Qadir Tunio, . Fracturing Fluid (Guar Polymer Gel) Degradation Study by using Oxidative and Enzyme Breaker. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (12): 1667-1671.
ISSN (Online):  2040-7467
ISSN (Print):   2040-7459
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