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     Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

2012(Vol.4, Issue:22)
Article Information:

Displacements Prediction in Double-Arch Dam Rock Abutment Using SPSS Software Based on Extensometer Readings Case study: Karun 4 Concrete Dam, Iran

Hadi kamali Bandpey, Kaveh Ahangari and Mirsaeid Hosseini Shirvani
Corresponding Author:  Hadi kamali Bandpey 
Submitted: March 03, 2012
Accepted: March 24, 2012
Published: November 15, 2012
In this study we present a method for Displacements Prediction in Double-Arch Dam Rock Abutment Using SPSS Software Based on Extensometer Readings. Displacement in dams is the most tangible and important parameter which could be crucial in their safety. Different elevation displacements are yielded by various loadings and the thrust force imposed on foundation and abutment. Most concrete dams are constructed on stone foundations. Displacements in foundation and abutment are measured by extensometers. Karun 4 Concrete dam is designed with 11 galleries, from elevation 1016 to 802 m, in the order from top elevation (dam crest elevation 1032) to the bottom elevation (dam foundation elevation 806) within the dam body. As a whole, 19 extensometers in the left bank, 17 in the right, and one more in the middle are implemented in the dam. Karun 4 dam has already been impounded with water up to the elevation 1003. Displacements in Karun 4 are recorded by extensometers whence water was leveled in 7 elevations 943.68, 953.36, 973.55, 983.28, 993.17, 1003.13. In this study, using SPSS we have tried to predict the displacements for a situation in which water will be elevated to the elevations 1013, 1023, 1032 in the future for elevations which are equipped with anchor. The most predicted displacement pertaining to the left bank when water was leveled to the elevation 1013, was 3.65 mms by R2 = 0.9997 for the implemented anchor. Proceeding further, as water is leveled to the elevations 1023 and 1033, the most predicted displacement respectively would be 4.31 and 5.66 by R2 = 0.9941; and is related to the anchor implemented in the elevation 936.05. The most predicted displacement for the right bank is 5.9397, 7.2347 and 8.6877 mms by R2 = 0.9995 for the elevation 888.128 m.

Key words:  Displacement , extensometer, Karun 4 concrete dam, SPSS, , ,
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Cite this Reference:
Hadi kamali Bandpey, Kaveh Ahangari and Mirsaeid Hosseini Shirvani, . Displacements Prediction in Double-Arch Dam Rock Abutment Using SPSS Software Based on Extensometer Readings Case study: Karun 4 Concrete Dam, Iran. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (22): 4607-4616.
ISSN (Online):  2040-7467
ISSN (Print):   2040-7459
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