Article Information:
Study of Residual Stress Tensors in High-Speed Milled Specimens of Aluminium Alloys Using a Method of Indent Pairs
C.A. Mammana, F.V. Díaz, A.P.M. Guidobono and R.E. Bolmaro
Corresponding Author: Felipe Víctor Díaz
Submitted: 2010 October, 16
Accepted: 2010 November, 05
Published: 2010 December, 10 |
From data obtained using a method of indent pairs it was possible to analyse different residual stress
states generated in high-speed milled specimens of AA 6082-T6 and AA 7075-T6 aluminium alloys. The
present method integrates a special device of indentation into a universal measuring machine, allowing the
introduction of elongated indents to significantly reduce the absolute error of measurement. Diverse protocols
for operations of high-speed face milling allow us to compare residual stress tensors inherent to climb and
conventional cutting zones. Through an exhaustive analysis of the Mohr’s circles corresponding to those zones,
a relationship was detected, which expresses the sensitivity of both alloys to develop surface residual stresses.
Key words: Aluminium alloys, climb cutting, conventional cutting, high speed milling, process parameters, residual stresses,
Cite this Reference:
C.A. Mammana, F.V. Díaz, A.P.M. Guidobono and R.E. Bolmaro, . Study of Residual Stress Tensors in High-Speed Milled Specimens of Aluminium Alloys Using a Method of Indent Pairs. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (8): 749-756.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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