Article Information:
Improving the Performance of Two-stroke Motorcycle with Tuned Adjustable Exhaust Pipe
O. Obodeh, and A.D. Ogbor
Corresponding Author: Obodeh, O.
Submitted: 2009 June, 25
Accepted: 2009 July, 11
Published: |
Engine performance is strongly dependent on gas dynamic phenomena in intake and exhaust
systems. Careful design of the manifolds enables the engineer to manipulate the characteristics. The basic
exhaust tuning mechanisms was described w ith respect to a two-stroke single-cylinder engine. Tuned adjustable
exhaust pipe for use on two-stroke motorcycle was designed and tested. The dynamometer used incorporated
a flywheel of appropriate moment of inertia to simulate the mass of the motorcycle and rider. The test procedure
involved measurement of the flywheel speed during an acceleration phase resulting from opening the throttle.
Calculation of the instantaneous flywheel acceleration gave a measure of the torque and power characteristics.
The airflow based values of delivery ratio; trapping efficiency and charging efficiency were not measured
directly but were culled from the fuel flow values and the Spindt computation of the exhaust gas analysis.
Experimental test results were presented for power output, specific fuel consumption and engine-out emissions.
The tuned exhaust system was found to improve fuel economy of the engine by 12%. The major engine-out
emissions, HC and CO were reduced by a minimum of 27.8% and 10.7% respectively. An improved power
output of 15.8% increase was achieved. As a bonus, it w as also found that the exhaust noise was reduced.
Key words: Tuned Exhaust Pipe, motorcycle, Performance characteristics, , , ,
Cite this Reference:
O. Obodeh, and A.D. Ogbor, . Improving the Performance of Two-stroke Motorcycle with Tuned Adjustable Exhaust Pipe. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (2): Page No: 59-65.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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