Article Information:
Modeling Energy Flow and Economic Analysis for Walnut Production in Iran
Narges Banaeian and Morteza Zangeneh
Corresponding Author: Narges Banaeian
Submitted: 2011 January, 06
Accepted: 2011 February, 07
Published: 2011 March, 30 |
The aims of this study were to determine energy use pattern, to obtain relationship between energy
inputs and yield, and to make an economical analysis in walnut orchards in Hamadan, Iran. Required data were
obtained from 47 walnut orchards based on random sampling method. The results indicate that walnut
production consumed a total energy of 15196.1 MJ/ha where chemical fertilizers with about 41% were the
major energy consumer. Energy use efficiency, energy productivity and specific energy of walnut production
were 2.9, 0.3 and 3.4 MJ/kg, respectively. Econometric estimation results revealed that energy inputs of human
labor, farmyard manure, chemical fertilizers, water for irrigation and transformation contributed significantly
to the yield. The results of sensitivity analysis of the energy inputs showed that the Marginal Physical
Productivity (MPP) value of human labor was the highest, followed by farmyard manure and water for
irrigation energy inputs, respectively. The results also showed that direct, indirect and renewable and nonrenewable,
energy forms had a positive impact on output level and the MPP value of direct and renewable
energy were higher. The benefit to cost ratio, mean net return and productivity from walnut production was
obtained as 2.1, 2043.7 $/ha and 0.3 kg/$, respectively.
Key words: Economic analysis, input-output energy, sensitivity, walnut orchards, , ,
Cite this Reference:
Narges Banaeian and Morteza Zangeneh, . Modeling Energy Flow and Economic Analysis for Walnut Production in Iran. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (03): 194-201.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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