Article Information:
Analyze of Syncrotronic Radiation Spectrum due to Arrangement of Si (111) and Si (100) Substrates
F. Ashrafi, A. Bahari, S.A. Babanejad and Y. Massoumnia
Corresponding Author: Fereydoun Ashrafi
Submitted: 2009 September, 30
Accepted: 2010 January, 10
Published: 2010 March, 10 |
In this research we have studied synchrotronical radiation spectrum of both Si (111) and Si (100)
substrates by using 130 – 131 eV incoming photon energy. Difference in atomic arrangement of these two
substrates orientations is obviously. Atomic arrangement in Si (111) is 7×7 but in Si (100) is 2×1.
Consequently, Si (111) may be used as well Si (100) in nano transistors as a semi conductor device.
Key words: Atomic arrangement, nano transistor, semi conductor, substrate, synchrotron radiation technique, thin film,
Cite this Reference:
F. Ashrafi, A. Bahari, S.A. Babanejad and Y. Massoumnia, . Analyze of Syncrotronic Radiation Spectrum due to Arrangement of Si (111) and Si (100) Substrates. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (2): Page No: 153-155.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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