Article Information:
Pneumatic, PLC Controlled, Automotive Gear Shifting Mechanism
Muntaser Momani, Mohammed Abuzalata, Igried Al-Khawaldeh and Hisham Al-M ujafet
Corresponding Author: Muntaser Momani
Submitted: 2010 March, 10
Accepted: 2010 March, 30
Published: 2010 May, 10 |
In this study, a gear shifting mechanism was designed and applied to make the shifting process faster
and less destructible for the driver. The new device must be reliable, has a small dimensions, low construction
and maintenance cost. This paper aims to improve gear shifting process using devices as: a manual four speed
gear box, four pneumatic double acting cylinders, four pneumatic two position five ways directional control
valves, Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) LOGO unit, an electrical motor, an electrical clutch, a belt, two
pulleys, limit switches, push buttons, bulbs, a table (holder) and power supply. According to suggested gear_
shifting method the driver can select the transmission gear ratio without moving his hands from the steering
wheel by putting the gear shifting push buttons on the steering wheel. Using this method leaves to the driver
the excitement of choosing the shifting moment.
Key words: Directional control valve, gearbox, gear shifting mechanism, pneumatic cylinder, Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), solenoid valve,
Cite this Reference:
Muntaser Momani, Mohammed Abuzalata, Igried Al-Khawaldeh and Hisham Al-M ujafet, . Pneumatic, PLC Controlled, Automotive Gear Shifting Mechanism. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (3): Page No: 245-251.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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