Article Information:
Evaluation of Aeromagnetic Anomalies Over Okigwe Area, Southeastern Nigeria
L. N. Onuba, G.K. Anudu, O.I. Chiaghanam and E.K. Anakwuba
Corresponding Author: Anudu Goodluck Kelechukwu
Submitted: 2011 March, 07
Accepted: 2011 May, 10
Published: 2011 August, 10 |
Total field aeromagnetic anomalies over Okigwe area have been evaluated in order to map
lineaments and estimate the depths to basement (sedimentary thicknesses). Aeromagnetic contour map of
Okigwe (Sheet 312) was acquired, digitized and analyzed. Regional-residual separation and Slope methods
were applied. The magnetic lineament map shows major geologic lineaments trending in NE-SW direction with
minor ones trending in NW-SE direction. The major trend is in conformity with the trend of the Benue Tough.
Visual study of the map shows presence of igneous intrusives in the northeastern part of the area. The results
obtained using Slope methods indicate two depth sources in the area. On the average the deeper magnetic
sources range from 2.0 to 4.99 km, while the shallower magnetic sources range from 0.4 to 1.99 km. Deeper
magnetic sources probably depict depths to Precambrian Basement, whereas shallower sources probably depict
depths to igneous intrusives and/or magnetized bodies within the sedimentary covers. Hydrocarbon exploration
is not recommended since the area has low thickness of sediments on the average All these deductions were
reached at after due consideration to both qualitative and quantitative interpretations supported by geological
information of the area.
Key words: Aeromagnetic anomalies, depths to basement, lineaments, Okigwe, slope methods, ,
Cite this Reference:
L. N. Onuba, G.K. Anudu, O.I. Chiaghanam and E.K. Anakwuba, . Evaluation of Aeromagnetic Anomalies Over Okigwe Area, Southeastern Nigeria. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, (5): 498-507.
ISSN (Online): 2041-0492
ISSN (Print): 2041-0484 |
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