Article Information:
Epiphytic Diatoms Growing on Nypa Fructican of Okpoka Creek, Niger Delta, Nigeria and Their Relationship to Water Quality
Davies, Onome Augustina
Corresponding Author: Davies Onome
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Okpoka Creek of the Upper Bonny Estuary in the Niger Delta is a sink receiving organic
anthropogenic effluents from Trans-Amadi Industrial Layout and the waterfront communities. The study
investigated resultant impact on the abiotic and biotic factors hrough the assessment of the physico-chemical
properties of surface waters and epiphytic diatoms. Surface water and epiphyton samples were collected
monthly from May 2004 – April 2006 at low and high tides from ten stations according to APHA methods.
These were analysed for temperature, transparency, turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen
demand (BOD), pH and nutrients. Epiphytic diatoms were identified microscopically. Species diversity was
calculated using standard indices. Data analyses were done using analysis of variance, Duncan multiple range
and descriptive statistics. Water temperature 28.6±0.06°C, turbidity 3.6±0.32 NTU and transparency 0.7±0.01m
showed insignificant spatial variations (p>0.05). Water chemical parameters were: salinity, 14.4±4.67%; DO,
5.0±0.10 mg L¯1 and BOD, 3.3±0.09 mg L¯1. Phosphate and ammonia exceeded FEPA and USEPA acceptable
levels for natural water bodies. Pollution-indicator epiphytic diatom genera recorded were Navicula, Nitzschia
and Synedra. The high nutrients status favours the high abundance and distribution of epiphytic diatoms. The
observed implicative genera indicate organic pollution from anthropogenic sources. Discharges of untreated
domestic and industrial effluents should be discouraged.
Key words: epiphytic diatoms, indicator species, nutrients status, Okpoka Creek, pollution, species diversity,
Cite this Reference:
Davies, Onome Augustina, . Epiphytic Diatoms Growing on Nypa Fructican of Okpoka Creek, Niger Delta, Nigeria and Their Relationship to Water Quality. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (1): Page No: 1-9.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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