Article Information:
Evaluation of Ephemeral Surface Flow at Ibiekuma Watershed in South Central Nigeria
O. A. Ehigiator
Corresponding Author: Ehigiator Ayidu Odaro
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The primary objective of this effort is the application at Ibiekuma watershed of lessons derived from
a large number of published and ongoing research projects on dry season surface flow and sediment yield at
the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Ibadan in South western Nigeria. The period covered
spans September through November which generally constitute the second growing season. The effect of the
spatial distribution of rainfall on runoff generation becomes increasingly important with the aridity often
experienced during this period and which necessitates an accurate assessment of available water, crucial to the
determination of crop water irrigational requirement. Runoff measurement was obtained through water
collection system aligned with a Gerlach type trough draining a twin plot of 10.71ha within Ibiekuma watershed
in south-central Nigeria. The study validated an exponential depth-averaged rainfall intensity formulation
developed at IITA for application in runoff and erosion modeling .There was a reasonably close agreement
between predicted storm s kinetic energy using the exponential distribution and values obtained from the
Revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) with a coefficient of performance (CP) and an estimation
difference (ED) of 0.81 and 7.35% respectively. Average depth of runoff for the entire period was less than a
Key words: rainsplash, intensity, runoff, erosivity, aridity, ferrasol,
Cite this Reference:
O. A. Ehigiator, . Evaluation of Ephemeral Surface Flow at Ibiekuma Watershed in South Central Nigeria. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, (1): Page No: 1-5.
ISSN (Online): 2041-0492
ISSN (Print): 2041-0484 |
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