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     Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences

2010(Vol.2, Issue:2)
Article Information:

Comparative Analysis of the Migraine Pathway in Human and C. elegans

Khurshid Ahmad, Ashish Patel, Shuchi Smita, Sunil Naik, S.K. Gupta, M.K. Verma and R.K. Tripathi
Corresponding Author:  Ashish Patel 
Submitted: 2009 August, 19
Accepted: 2010 January, 25
Published: 2010 March, 10
Migraine is an episodic pain disorder whose path physiology is related to deficiency of serotonin signaling and abnormal function of the P/Q -type calcium channel CACNA1A. Because the relationship of the CACNA1A channel to serotonin signaling is unknown and potentially therapeutic interest used genetic analysis of the Caenorhabditis elegans ortholog of this calcium channel. UNC-2 helps to identify candidate downstream effectors of the human channel. Analyze the Ca++ channel pathway (responsible for migraine) in Human. Identification of the genes involved in this pathway and does the complete analysis of the protein synthesized by the selected gene. Find out the domains and motifs in human for the protein and their positions. Now for the comparative analysis of the migraine pathway in human and C. elegans, searching of C. elegans genome for homologous genes present in Ca++ channel pathway in Human and perform the alignment of nucleotide as well as protein sequences for human and C. elegans. Identify the domain and motifs in C. elegans for comparative studies.

Key words:  Episodic, KEGG, migraine, neurodegenerative disorders, , ,
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Cite this Reference:
Khurshid Ahmad, Ashish Patel, Shuchi Smita, Sunil Naik, S.K. Gupta, M.K. Verma and R.K. Tripathi, . Comparative Analysis of the Migraine Pathway in Human and C. elegans. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (2): Page No: 147-149.
ISSN (Online):  2041-0778
ISSN (Print):   2041-076X
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