Article Information:
A Review of Some Basic Principles in Fishpond Management
J.F.N. Abowei, C.C. Tawari and E.N. Ezekiel
Corresponding Author: J.F.N. Abowei
Submitted: 2011 July, 26
Accepted: 2011 September, 25
Published: 2011 November, 25 |
A review of some basic principles in fishpond management was reviewed to educate fish culturist,
private and public sector to effectively manage culture fisheries. Successful pond management requires more
than just stocking fish. It is also important to maintain the proper environmental conditions, to monitor fish
harvest and growth, check for successful fish reproduction, and to keep out unwanted fish. This is the science
of fish management, the solid basis for ensuring good fishing. Good fish management begins with an
understanding of your pond’s physical, chemical, and biological features. Pond ecology, fish biology, site
selection. Construction, liming, fertilization, brackish water pond management, culture species, stock
management, managing fish population, management system, harvesting, fresh water pond management, fish
species selection, fish stocking in fresh water ponds, stocking density, feeding, pond testing, diagnosing
problems in pond, correcting muddy ponds, fish kills, aquatic weed control, managing other animals, habitat,
pond renovation, fish harvesting in fresh water ponds, marketing and legal considerations are other important
fish pond management principles the fish culturist need to know.
Key words: Brackish and fresh water, legal consideration, marketing, pond ecology, pond management, pond renovation,
Cite this Reference:
J.F.N. Abowei, C.C. Tawari and E.N. Ezekiel, . A Review of Some Basic Principles in Fishpond Management. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (11): 1272-1295.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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