Article Information:
Knowledge Management: A Solution to Requirements Understanding in Global Software Engineering
Hashim Khan, Arshad Ahmad and Mohammed A. Alnuem
Corresponding Author: Hashim Khan
Submitted: January 12, 2012
Accepted: January 31, 2012
Published: July 15, 2012 |
The aim of the study is to identify useful Knowledge Management (KM) practices/tools in order to
overcome Requirements Understanding (RU) challenges in Global Software Engineering (GSE). As
Requirements Engineering (RE) is considered one of the most crucial, human intensive and challenging phase
of software engineering. A paradigm shift from traditional co-located to offshore development has introduced
additional complications in RE specifically in RU. Issues in GSE like involvement of people from diverse
culture, different inter-personal communication and coordination skills leads to RU problems. For this, the need
of proper practices/tools to overcome RU challenges in global setting is obvious from literature. So, this study
focuses on two things. Firstly, in this study authors have mentioned major RU challenges in GSE which were
identified in author’s pervious study. Secondly, authors have identified useful Knowledge Management (KM)
practices/tools that can aid globally dispersed software development teams in RU. For this purpose, industrial
surveys were conducted in software companies involved in GSE. Thereby, useful KM practices such as
Document Management, Competence Management and Knowledge sharing processes such as Socialization are
identified to address RU issues faced in GSE. In addition, modern and advanced ICT tools such as video and
audio conferencing, Forums, Intranets, have also been proposed for overcoming these challenges. Moreover,
a detailed analysis is presented that how a specific KM practice/tool helps to cater a specific RU challenge.
Key words: Global software engineering, knowledge management, knowledge management practices/tools, requirements engineering, requirements understanding, ,
Cite this Reference:
Hashim Khan, Arshad Ahmad and Mohammed A. Alnuem, . Knowledge Management: A Solution to Requirements Understanding in Global Software Engineering. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (14): 2087-2099.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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