Article Information:
Thermal Proprieties of Concrete Lightened by Wood Aggregates
D. Taoukil, A. El bouardi, H. Ezbakhe and T. Ajzoul
Corresponding Author: Driss Taoukil
Submitted: 2010 December, 20
Accepted: 2011 January, 20
Published: 2011 February, 20 |
It is about an experimental study of the thermal proprieties of a concrete lightened by wood
aggregates stemming from waste products of the carpentry work. We were especially interested in the
comparison between the proprieties of concretes lightened by sawdust and those lightened by wood shavings.
The determination of the thermal conductivity and diffusivity of various samples allowed us to demonstrate that
the incorporation of wood aggregates in the concrete increases considerably its thermal insulation capacity.
Also, we found that, at equal mass percentage of wood aggregates, the concretes elaborated from shavings
present thermal insulation capacities better than those obtained from sawdust. On other hand, we have examined
the influence of the water content on the thermophysical properties of the studied concretes. So, we have
demonstrated and confirmed that the thermal conductivity and diffusivity of the studied materials are strongly
dependent on the water content.
Key words: Lightweight concrete, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, water content, wood waste, ,
Cite this Reference:
D. Taoukil, A. El bouardi, H. Ezbakhe and T. Ajzoul, . Thermal Proprieties of Concrete Lightened by Wood Aggregates. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (02): 113-116.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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