Article Information:
Research on Lorry Road User Charging Scheme
Chao Sui and Chen Liwei
Corresponding Author: Chao Sui
Submitted: 2011 September, 23
Accepted: 2011 November, 02
Published: 2012 January, 15 |
In the 2011-2015 Business Plan, a lorry road user charging scheme has been planned to implement
by the Coalition Government by 2014. This study will describe the possible impacts of such a system on the
road haulage sector and the ways in which logistics providers might utilize different operating practices and
technology to improve their operational performance under such circumstances in the UK. And this essay will
cover the possible uses for Intelligent Transport Systems and new working practices using specific case study
examples. Finally, the impacts of LRUC and several feasible countermeasures will be discussed in the
following text.
Key words: Countermeasure, freight industry, lorry road user charging scheme, the UK, , ,
Cite this Reference:
Chao Sui and Chen Liwei, . Research on Lorry Road User Charging Scheme. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (02): 123-126.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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