Article Information:
An Improved Classification Algorithm for Structured Data Based on Secondary Data Processing
Yubo Jia, Hongdan Fan, Qian Zhang, Xu Li and Guanghu Xia
Corresponding Author: Hongdan Fan
Submitted: December 13, 2011
Accepted: January 21, 2012
Published: June 01, 2012 |
Secondary Data Processing deals the information further by re-crawling and categories based on the
basic of structured data. It is the key researching module of Vertical Search Engines. This paper introduces an
application model of vertical search engine briefly and proposes an improved classification algorithm for the
categories to enhance the advantage of vertical search engines. The algorithm achieves the responsiveness and
the accuracy of vertical search by reducing the time complexity and accelerating the speed of classification.
This paper proved the improved algorithm has the better feasibility and robustness when it’s used in secondary
structured data processing based on vertical search engines.
Key words: Algorithm, categories, classification, data processing, search, ,
Cite this Reference:
Yubo Jia, Hongdan Fan, Qian Zhang, Xu Li and Guanghu Xia, . An Improved Classification Algorithm for Structured Data Based on Secondary Data Processing. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (11): 1500-1503.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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