Article Information:
Experimental Investigation of Using MR ! Fluids in Automobiles Suspension Systems
S.Q. Abu-Ein, S.M. Fayyad, Waleed Momani, Aiman Al-Alawin and Muntaser Momani
Corresponding Author: Suleiman Abu-Ein
Submitted: 2010 February, 04
Accepted: 2010 February, 17
Published: 2010 March, 10 |
In recent years, a flurry of interest has been shown for a relatively old technology called magnetorheological
fluids, or MR fluids. Multiple types of devices have been designed to implement this versatile fluid,
including linear dampers, clutches, work-piece fixtures, and polishing machines. The devices have been used
in automobiles, washing machines, bicycles, prosthetic limbs, and even smart structures. This paper focuses
on another application of MR dampers, involving automobile suspension, and introduces using of MR dampers
and automobile suspensions, and why the two would be a good combination. An experimental investigation
is carried out to show the efficiency of using such fluids on suspension systems of the automobiles. The MR
dampers provided a more stable ride than that of the OEM dampers. By reducing suspension displacement,
settling time, and suspension oscillations, the MR dampers were able to reduce suspension geometry instability.
It is found that the efficiency of damper used in this study increases by using MR fluids, and this efficiency
increases as the current applied on the MR damper increase.
Key words: Automobiles, dampers, MR-fluids, road grip, shock absorbers, suspension systems,
Cite this Reference:
S.Q. Abu-Ein, S.M. Fayyad, Waleed Momani, Aiman Al-Alawin and Muntaser Momani, . Experimental Investigation of Using MR ! Fluids in Automobiles Suspension Systems. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (2): Page No: 159-163.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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