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     Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences

2010(Vol.2, Issue:3)
Article Information:

Impact of Profession and Diet-Type on Human Oxidative Stress Status

G.N. Anyasor, I.O. Oyewole, A.A. Ogunnowo, A.O. Lanisa, A. Onubuogo and L. Ichoku
Corresponding Author:  Anyasor Godswill Nduka 
Submitted: 2009 December., 31
Accepted: 2010 January, 16
Published: 2010 May, 20
Evidences have shown that diet-type is associated with the level of oxidative stress; however, report on the impact of professional status on oxidative stress level is scanty. The present study assessed the impact of profession and diet-type on human oxidative stress status using self-administered structured questionnaires. A total of three hundred questionnaires were administered to volunteers from management, sciences, and education disciplines. Results indicated some degree of low, moderate and high oxidative stress in individuals from the three professions studied. However, respondents from education (19.2%) showed low oxidative stress risk compared to those in sciences (14.9 %) and management (9.6%). Furthermore, under moderate risk category, respondents from management, education and sciences showed moderate oxidative stress of 65.4%, 66.2 and 70.3% respectively. Nevertheless, in the high oxidative stress category, respondents from management profession (25%) showed high risk oxidative damage compared to those from sciences (14.9%) and education (14.7%). The study also showed that high percentage of vegetarians in the study groups were within low and moderate risk categories. This is an implication that profession and diet-type may contribute significantly to the level of human oxidative stress.

Key words:  Antioxidant, diet-type, free radical, human, oxidative stress, profession,
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Cite this Reference:
G.N. Anyasor, I.O. Oyewole, A.A. Ogunnowo, A.O. Lanisa, A. Onubuogo and L. Ichoku, . Impact of Profession and Diet-Type on Human Oxidative Stress Status. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (3): Page No: 214-216.
ISSN (Online):  2041-0778
ISSN (Print):   2041-076X
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