Article Information:
Determining the Critical Success Factors in ERP Systems Implementations with Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping: The Case of Turkey
M.S. Ilkay, A.I. Özdemir, G. Seçme and N.Y. Seçme
Corresponding Author: Ali Ihsan Özdemir
Submitted: 2011 September, 23
Accepted: 2011 October, 28
Published: 2012 January, 01 |
The purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting ERP implementation success by using
fuzzy cognitive mapping method. Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping (FCM) is used to determine critical success factors
affecting ERP implementation. FCM is based on graph theory, which was formulized by mathematician Euler
in 1736. Fuzz cognitive method is very useful method for exploring the subjective factors of subject and the
relationships between them. In this study we draw 16 fuzzy cognitive maps with interviewers whose are the
owner or manager of enterprises or ERP team managers of the ERP teams. By the constructive analysis of the
individual cognitive maps, “giving ERP education to team or end users”, “Conformity and reliability of data”
and “Support of top level management” variables are the most central variables. By the neural network analysis
we find that if the ERP education increases, raises; “meeting the business needs of ERP system”, “the efficiency
of project plan”, “project management and time schedule” variables increases too. And according to the second
scenario if top level managers support the use of ERP system increases, raises; “meeting the business needs of
ERP system”, “giving ERP education to team and last users”, “self-sacrifice of project team”, “existence
responsible persons from each department in the project team” variables are increases too. Also, this paper
represents a first attempt for using fuzzy cognitive mapping to determine the factors, which affect the success
of ERP application.
Key words: Critic success factors, ERP, fuzzy cognitive mapping, neural networks, simulation, ,
Cite this Reference:
M.S. Ilkay, A.I. Özdemir, G. Seçme and N.Y. Seçme, . Determining the Critical Success Factors in ERP Systems Implementations with Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping: The Case of Turkey. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (01): 66-74.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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