Article Information:
Experimental Emulsified Diesel and Benzen Investigation
Sayel M. Fayyad, Suleiman Abu-Ein, Ghazi Al-Marahleh, Waleed Al-Momani, Muntaser Al-Momani, Zaid Abulghanam, Omar Badran and Taiseer Abu-Rahmah
Corresponding Author: Suleiman Abu-Ein
Submitted: 2010 March, 18
Accepted: 2010 April, 03
Published: 2010 May, 10 |
This study presents an experimental investigation of emulsified fuels as an operating material for
vehicle engines. Water in fuel blends is still relatively unknown and unaccepted by the majority of people.
Introducing water into the combustion chamber has been around for more than one time, through water
injection systems and emulsification of water into fuel. Adding water to fules will reduce bad emissions of the
vehicles. It is found that brake power, engine power and also the engine torque have been improved with the
emulsified fuels for both diesel and benzen till 25% water percentage addition.
Key words: Brake power, emissions, emulsions, engine, fuel blends, torque,
Cite this Reference:
Sayel M. Fayyad, Suleiman Abu-Ein, Ghazi Al-Marahleh, Waleed Al-Momani, Muntaser Al-Momani, Zaid Abulghanam, Omar Badran and Taiseer Abu-Rahmah, . Experimental Emulsified Diesel and Benzen Investigation. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (3): Page No: 268-273.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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