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     Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences

2011(Vol.3, Issue:5)
Article Information:

Laboratory Study on Integrated Solar Electrokinetic Barrier for Preventing Cadmium Contamination

Eltayeb Mohamedelhassan
Corresponding Author:  Eltayeb Mohamedelhassan 
Submitted: 2011 March, 30
Accepted: 2011 May, 13
Published: 2011 August, 10
The aim of this laboratory study is to investigate the use of electrokinetic barrier powered by solar panel to prevent Cadmium (Cd) contamination of clayey soil by hydraulic flow. Along with the solar panel, DC power supply was also used as a power source for comparison. The electric field generated by the solar panel was only during the daytime (14 h 45 min per day) while the DC power supply provided the barrier with continuous electric field. The tests were carried out in five identical electrokinetic column cells. The hydraulic flow was generated by a constant gradient of 10. The results showed that electrokinetic barrier with solar power of peak electric field gradient of 2 V/cm during the daytime was equally efficient to a barrier that was powered continuously at 2 V/cm to stop the migration of Cd by the hydraulic flow. The results suggested that the generated electro-osmosis and electro-migration flux were stronger than the hydraulic flow as the Cd was found migrated up-gradient of the hydraulic flow. The volume of water collected during the test, water content distribution, pH profile, and Cd concentration after the test were consistent with electrokinetic phenomenon.

Key words:  Electro-migration, electro-osmsois, electrolysis reactions, heavy metal pollution of soil, hydraulic flow, solar energy,
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Cite this Reference:
Eltayeb Mohamedelhassan, . Laboratory Study on Integrated Solar Electrokinetic Barrier for Preventing Cadmium Contamination. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, (5): 521-523.
ISSN (Online):  2041-0492
ISSN (Print):   2041-0484
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