Article Information:
Calibration of River Hydraulic Model Combined with GIS Analysis using Ground-Based Observation Data
M. Reza Ghanbarpour, Shokoufeh Salimi, Mohsen Mohseni Saravi and Mehdi Zarei
Corresponding Author: M. Reza Ghanbarpour
Submitted: 2011 April, 06
Accepted: 2011 May, 13
Published: 2011 May, 25 |
In this research a method to calibrate a river hydraulic model (HEC-RAS) using ground-based
measurements of an observed flash flood is presented. Applications of the ground truth measurement of flood
water depths and flooded areas within a reach of Neka River in North of Iran are discussed. The model is
calibrated using the Manning's roughness coefficient based on 200-year flood event that took place in this river
basin in August 1999. The model performance with different sets of Manning roughness coefficients is
compared to observed spatial inundation data. The comparison between observed and simulated flood water
depths for the optimal values of Manning roughness coefficients has shown a significant correlation (p<0.0001,
R = 0.82). Moreover, an agreement between the observed and simulated flood inundated extents is 88.5%.
Floodplain inundation maps in different return periods were derived using integration of calibrated HEC-RAS
model and GIS analysis. Delineation of flood extents and depths within the floodplain could be used for many
practical applications.
Key words: Calibration, floodplain mapping, GIS, HEC-RAS, manning coefficient, ,
Cite this Reference:
M. Reza Ghanbarpour, Shokoufeh Salimi, Mohsen Mohseni Saravi and Mehdi Zarei, . Calibration of River Hydraulic Model Combined with GIS Analysis using Ground-Based Observation Data. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (05): 456-463.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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