Article Information:
S-Curve Acceleration/Deceleration Algorithm Based on Reference Table
Xia Yubin and Wang Wei
Corresponding Author: Xia Yubin
Submitted: 2011 September, 23
Accepted: 2011 November, 02
Published: 2012 January, 15 |
To satisfy the need of bond speed and precision, S-curve acceleration/deceleration based on reference
table is used on LED bond-system. Compute the PVT data and store them in a table in advance. In actual
processes the PVT data which meet the requirements can be calculated by the data in the table. The results show
that the algorithm based on reference table can effectively reduce the computation time and satisfy our needs.
Key words: Numerical control systems, reference table, S-curve Acc/Dcc, , , ,
Cite this Reference:
Xia Yubin and Wang Wei, . S-Curve Acceleration/Deceleration Algorithm Based on Reference Table. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (02): 131-134.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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