Article Information:
Metal Ions in Fur as a Bio-monitor of the Systemic Accumulation in Albino Rat
Omoniyi K. Israel, Lori A. Joseph, Ekanem J. Edet and Kagbu A. James
Corresponding Author: OMONIYI K. ISRAEL
Submitted: 2009 July, 21
Accepted: 2009 August, 19
Published: |
The study carried out a periodic quantification of the amounts of metal ions accumulated in the blood
of Wistar albino rat pre- and post-operative the implantation of stainless steel (SS) arch bar used for
maxillomandibular fixation and compares these with the amounts accumulated in the fur used as a bio-monitor.
The concentrations of the corrosion products increased from the 3 to 6 weeks post-operative periods in the
blood and fur. The total metal ions accumulated in the fur and blood of Wistar albino rat in vivo follows the
ranking Ni > Fe > Mn > Co > Cr. Ni shows a high affinity for the fur and blood. The concentrations of Co, Mn
and Cr ions in the fur post-operative is indicative of the levels of these metal ions in the blood.
Key words: Arch bar, corrosion product, blood, fur, bio-monitor, ,
Cite this Reference:
Omoniyi K. Israel, Lori A. Joseph, Ekanem J. Edet and Kagbu A. James, . Metal Ions in Fur as a Bio-monitor of the Systemic Accumulation in Albino Rat. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (3): Page No: 145-148.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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