Article Information:
Principal Component Analysis of Thermal Dorsal Hand Vein Pattern Architecture
V. Krishna Sree and P. Sudhakar Rao
Corresponding Author: V. Krishna Sree
Submitted: March 18, 2012
Accepted: April 06, 2012
Published: December 15, 2012 |
The quest of providing more secure identification system has lead to rise in developing biometric
systems. Biometrics such as face, fingerprint and iris have been developed extensively for human identification
purpose and also to provide authentic input to many security systems in the past few decades. Dorsal hand vein
pattern is an emerging biometric which is unique to every individual. In this study principal component analysis
is used to obtain Eigen vein patterns which are low dimensional representation of vein pattern features. The
extraction of the vein patterns was obtained by morphological techniques. Noise reduction filters are used to
enhance the vein patterns. Principle component analysis is able to reduce the 2-dimensional image database into
1-dimensional Eigen vectors and able to identify all the dorsal hand pattern images.
Key words: Dorsal hand vein patterns, enhancement, morphological techniques, noise reduction, principal component analysis, ,
Cite this Reference:
V. Krishna Sree and P. Sudhakar Rao, . Principal Component Analysis of Thermal Dorsal Hand Vein Pattern Architecture. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (24): 5375-5380.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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