Article Information:
Development of an E- Assessment Platform for Nigerian Universities
O. Akinsanmi, Agbaji, O.T. Ruth and M.B. Soroyewun
Corresponding Author: Akinsanmi Olaitan
Submitted: 2009 September, 22
Accepted: 2010 February, 04
Published: 2010 March, 10 |
This paper presents the development of an e-assessment platform for application in Nigerian
universities. Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria was used as a testing ground in 2008. In the age of
digitalization that we live in, it has become imperative that a reliable means of assessing students using internetbased
technologies be developed. This paper seeks to solve a part of that problem by designing and developing
a web application where tests in multiple choice formats will be taken online and graded immediately. The web
application relies solely on Microsoft developed technologies. It runs on the Microsoft.net framework, uses the
ASP.NET web server, C# as the intermediate language, ADO.NET to interact with the relational database and
Microsoft SQL server as the relational database. The work was simulated in the Visual Studio Express
environment using Internet Explorer as the web browser. It was then tested on an intranet to ensure connectivity
and could be relied upon for a w ide application to solve the problem of assessing the teeming population in
tertiary institutions.
Key words: ASP.NET, C#, E-assessment, intranet, , ,
Cite this Reference:
O. Akinsanmi, Agbaji, O.T. Ruth and M.B. Soroyewun, . Development of an E- Assessment Platform for Nigerian Universities. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (2): Page No: 170-175.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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