Article Information:
The Design and Development of a New Storage Mode Supported Dynamic XML Documents
Bai Tao, Chang Jian-xia and Wang Jing
Corresponding Author: Bai Tao
Submitted: 2011 September, 23
Accepted: 2011 November, 02
Published: 2012 January, 15 |
For the problem that XRel model can not effectively support the storage of dynamic XML document,
the following improvements and extensions were made in this paper. First, a new encoding scheme called
NewDietz, which supported the storage of dynamic XML document, were proposed based on the Dietz
encoding. Second, the relationships logic model which can storage NewDietz coding node was designed, not
only ensuring the effective storage of the new node, but also taking into account the problem that the
relationship of nodes between ancestors and descendants must be judged firstly when the dynamic XML
document restructured in this pattern. At last, a concrete example was given to verify the effect of the practical
application of new model.
Key words: Dietz encoding, newdietz encoding scheme, relational storage of dynamic XML documents, vector method, XRel mode, ,
Cite this Reference:
Bai Tao, Chang Jian-xia and Wang Jing, . The Design and Development of a New Storage Mode Supported Dynamic XML Documents. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (02): 135-140.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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