Article Information:
On the Overflow Alert System Based on Fuzzy Models
R. Saneifard and H. Ahmadianrad
Corresponding Author: R. Saneifard
Submitted: 2011 November, 21
Accepted: 2012 January, 04
Published: 2012 March, 10 |
An overflow alert system is a non structural measure for overflow mitigation. This article illustrates
an ordered impressionistic fuzzy analysis that has the capability to simulate the unknown relations between a
set of meteorological and hydrological parameters. In this article, the researchers first define ordered
impressionistic fuzzy sets and establish some results on them.
Key words: Defuzzification, fuzzy sets, initial universe set, overflow alert, soft set, universe set,
Cite this Reference:
R. Saneifard and H. Ahmadianrad, . On the Overflow Alert System Based on Fuzzy Models. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, (2): 198-201.
ISSN (Online): 2041-0778
ISSN (Print): 2041-076X |
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