Article Information:
Kinetic Study of the Adsorption of Mucin onto Titanium Surface
J.A. Lori, M.B. Ayeni, E.E. Jasper and E.J. Ekanem
Corresponding Author: Joseph Anireju Lori
Submitted: 2011 June, 07
Accepted: 2011 August, 08
Published: 2011 August, 30 |
The aim of this study was to investigate the kinetics of adsorption of mucin onto titanium surface.
Mucin adsorbed onto untreated, calcium and potassium treated titanium surfaces in vitro tests were monitored
using uv-visible spectrophotometer the effect of contact time was determined by the ‘’limited bath technique.’’
The parameters used in this study such as the amount of titanium, concentration of mucin solution, reaction
temperature and pH were optimised by preliminary experiments as 0.02 mg, 0.1 mg/mL, 350C and 6.4,
respectively. The amount of mucin adsorbed increased with time until equilibrium was attained after about 115
min with the maximum concentration of mucin adsorbed being 0.0603 mg/mL for Ca-Ti followed by that of
unto K-Ti implying that the adsorption is not influenced by the presence of Ca² ions. Analysis of kinetic data
obtained with Lagergren, Bhattacharya/Venkobacharya and Flick’s models revealed that the adsorption is first
order with respect to mucin molecules and that diffusion is the predominant mechanism for the adsorption.
Key words: Adsorption, biomaterial, kinetics, Mucin, rate of adsorption, Titanium,
Cite this Reference:
J.A. Lori, M.B. Ayeni, E.E. Jasper and E.J. Ekanem, . Kinetic Study of the Adsorption of Mucin onto Titanium Surface. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (08): 792-797.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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