Article Information:
The Congestion Management of Transmission Line using Bacterial Foraging Algorithm
Rasul Mokhtarpur and Haydarali Shayanfar
Corresponding Author: Rasul Mokhtarpur
Submitted: March 03, 2012
Accepted: March 24, 2012
Published: December 01, 2012 |
The power systems movement to the electricity industry restructuring circumstance is done with the
purpose of deformation of this industry up to elimination of exclusion and fairy competition increment and
freely accessing to transmission line. But the possibility of congestion creation in the transmission line could
encounter market role makers with problems such as energy price exclusion, difference in energy price at some
busses and abusing of some jobbers in the market in these new systems. The study and survey in the interest
of prevention and lowering of this phenomenon is done in the name of 'Congestion Management'.In this study
after investigation of energy markets and the definition of congestion, local marginal price concept and ordinary
method are introduced and then Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm will be investigated in order to
optimal determination of Local Marginal Price (LMP) in the busses with purpose of production minimizing in
pool market and lately it will be tested on a 24-bus standard network to formulate the optimization problem and
to make it applicable.
Key words: Algorithm bacterial foraging , congestion management, local marginal pricing, market power, optimal power flow, pool market,
Cite this Reference:
Rasul Mokhtarpur and Haydarali Shayanfar, . The Congestion Management of Transmission Line using Bacterial Foraging Algorithm. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (23): 5027-5033.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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