Article Information:
A Markov Chain Approach to the Dynamics of Vehicular Traffic Characteristics in Abeokuta Metropolis
O.T. Olaleye, F.A. Sowunmi , O.S. Abiola, M.O. Salako and I.O. Eleyoowo
Corresponding Author: Fatai Abiola Sowunmi
Accepted: 2009 Sept., 24
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The study examined the traffic characteristics and management within Abeokuta metropolis. The
daily traffic volume in the study locations was categorized into low, medium and high. Markov chain model
and descriptive analysis were used for the analysis of data collected from the two locations. The short and
long-term projections of the proportion of daily traffic volume for the three categorizations (low, medium and
high) were carried out using M arkov chain model. The result predicted 18.0 and 5.0% for high daily traffic
volume (incoming) for Lafenwa and Ibara intersections respectively in 2009. In the long- run, moderate traffic
at Lafenwa intersection (outgoing traffic) is expected to be 13.5% while 22.4% is predicted for Ibara
intersection. Unlike Lafenwa intersection, Ibara intersection exceeded the average daily traffic volume for the
incoming and outgoing traffics. Provision of term inal facilities, parking lots instead of on-street parking and
adequate terminal facilities around the intersections are suggested traffic management options to reduce traffic
congestion noticed at these intersections.
Key words: Traffic volume, Markov Chain model, management and probability, transition matrix, , ,
Cite this Reference:
O.T. Olaleye, F.A. Sowunmi , O.S. Abiola, M.O. Salako and I.O. Eleyoowo, . A Markov Chain Approach to the Dynamics of Vehicular Traffic Characteristics in Abeokuta Metropolis. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (3): Page No: 160-166.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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