Article Information:
Street Mapping Using Remotely Sensed Data and Gis Technique
I.I. Abbas, Y.A. Adama and J.A. U koje
Corresponding Author: Idowu Innocent Abbas
Submitted: 2009 December, 16
Accepted: 2010 January, 10
Published: 2010 March, 10 |
The pivot of this study was to demonstrate how street guide maps can be produced from remotely
sensed data using G IS techniques. Quick bird imagery of 2008 w ith resolution of 0.6 meter was the major
source of data while the street guide of Kaduna metropolis produced in 1977 by analogue method of map
making was used as base data. During ground truthing identified street names were collated and placed on the
map with additional information gotten from the existing street guide. The research work was based on
computer interpretation of imageries using AutoCAD 2000i and Survcadd.xml software. On close interpretation
of the imageries it was discovered that streets in Kaduna metropolis have metamorphorsised in quantity from
104 in 1977 to 409 in 2008. The use of high resolution imageries for digital production and updating of street
guide information is therefore highly recommended.
Key words: GIS, remotely sensed data, imagery, software, , ,
Cite this Reference:
I.I. Abbas, Y.A. Adama and J.A. U koje, . Street Mapping Using Remotely Sensed Data and Gis Technique. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (2): Page No: 191-197.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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