Article Information:
Preliminary Geophysical Deductions of Lithological and Hydrological Conditions of the North-Eastern Sector of Akwa Ibom State, Southeastern, Nigeria
V.I. Obianwu, N.J. George and A.A. Okiwelu
Corresponding Author: A. Anthony Okiwelu
Submitted: 2011 June, 09
Accepted: 2011 August, 05
Published: 2011 August, 30 |
The present study is aimed at evaluating the geophysical parameters of the shallow subsurface for
ground water development of the study area. Four profiles of vertical electrical sounding (VES) were obtained
in the north - eastern sector of Akwa Ibom State to examine the subsurface geology and the associated
groundwater potential. The combination of VES data and the borehole data provided useful information on
subsurface hydrogeologic conditions. Within the western part of the study area covering Obot Akara local
government, a sizeable open aquifer was delineated whereas the north eastern part covering Ini local
government area has a thick layer of aquitard from the depth of about 10 to 105 m. An isolated resistivity
value of the aquitard appear to be extremely high (6130 Ωm) in the deeper layer and this indicates the
possibility of intrusive from deep seated layers intruding into low resistivity aquitard. The hydrogeological
parameters such as transmissivity, longitudinal conductance and transverse resistance in the Western part of
the study area are pointers that the aquifers are prolific.
Key words: Aquifer, aquitard, electrical, groundwater, resistivity, transmissivity,
Cite this Reference:
V.I. Obianwu, N.J. George and A.A. Okiwelu, . Preliminary Geophysical Deductions of Lithological and Hydrological Conditions of the North-Eastern Sector of Akwa Ibom State, Southeastern, Nigeria. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (08): 806-811.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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