Article Information:
An AIHT based Histogram Equalization Algorithm for Image Contrast Enhancement
Cheng-Yi Yu, Hsueh-Yi Lin, Kuang-Hui Tang and Tzu-Wei Yu
Corresponding Author: Cheng-Yi Yu
Submitted: December 20, 2011
Accepted: April 23, 2012
Published: October 15, 2012 |
Histogram Equalization (HE) is an effective technique for contrast enhancement. However, the
traditional HE method usually results in extreme over-enhancement, which causes the unnatural look and visual
artifacts in the processed image. To solve the problem, we propose a novel Modulated Histogram Equalization
(MHE) image contrast enhancement algorithm based on Adaptive Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent (AIHT)
algorithm. The AIHT has long been known that the Human Vision System (HVS) heavily depends on details
and edges in understanding its perception of scenes. The new method is capable of doing image contrast
enhancement adaptively and globally, while extruding the details of objects simultaneously.
Key words: Adaptive Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent (AIHT) , Histogram Equalization (HE), human visual perception, image contrast enhancement, Modulated Histogram Equalization (MHE) contrast enhancement, ,
Cite this Reference:
Cheng-Yi Yu, Hsueh-Yi Lin, Kuang-Hui Tang and Tzu-Wei Yu, . An AIHT based Histogram Equalization Algorithm for Image Contrast Enhancement. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (20): 3969-3972.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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