Article Information:
Body and Testicular Weight Changes in Adult Wistar Rats Following Oral Administration of Artesunate
A.M. Izunya, A.O. Nwaopara, A. Aigbiremolen and G.A. Oaikhena
Corresponding Author: al-hassan m. izunya
Submitted: 2010 April, 02
Accepted: 2010 April, 13
Published: 2010 May, 10 |
This experiment was designed to study the effects on the body and testicular weights of adult wistar
rats that recieved an oral administration of normal and double normal doses of artesunate. The rats were divided
into three groups (A, B and C) of five rats each. A and B served as the treatment groups, while C served as the
control group. Group A rats were given 4mg.kg-1 b.w of artesunate daily for 3 days followed by 2mg.kg-1 b.w
daily for next for 4 days. Group B rats were given 8mg.kg-1 b.w of artesunate daily for 3 days followed by
4mg.kg-1 b.w daily for next 4 days, while group C rats were given only distilled water. The rats were fed with
grower's mash purchased from Edo feeds and Flour Mill Ltd, Ewu, Edo state and were given w ater ad libitum.
On day eight of the experiment, the rats were weighed and sacrificed. The testes w ere carefully dissected out,
freed from adherent tissues and weighed to the nearest 0.001 g. The results showed no changes in body weight
of rats in groups A, B and C. There was also no significant change in testicular weight of rats in group
A. However a significant increase in testicular weight was observed in group C. Our results suggest that
artesunate at normal and double normal doses, has no effect on body weight of rats but may be toxic to the
testes at higher doses. It is uncertain however if these changes are reversible. It is recommended therefore, that
further studies aimed at corroborating these observations be carried out.
Key words: Antimalarial, artesunate, body weight, testicular weight, toxicity, ,
Cite this Reference:
A.M. Izunya, A.O. Nwaopara, A. Aigbiremolen and G.A. Oaikhena, . Body and Testicular Weight Changes in Adult Wistar Rats Following Oral Administration of Artesunate. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (3): Page No: 302-306.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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